This tapestry is a 17th-century Baroque Flemish piece consisting of wool and silk. Measuring 365 cm high and 463 cm wide, its expansive size contributes to the emphasis on the intricacy of the depicted action scenes.

Primarily, the scene captures an interpretation of the Trojan War from Greek mythology, situated in an urban backdrop. Character positioning aids in the narrative depiction of historical figures such as Achilles, Agamemnon, Paris, and Helen. The colors employed create a vibrant representation of the tableau.

The city of Troy is depicted in great architectural detail, including elements such as towers, fortifications, and populace. The color palette consisting of jewel, earth, and pastel tones indicates a refined application of color theory.

The border of the tapestry accentuates the main scene, featuring smaller vignettes interspersed with intricate floral motifs. These include mythical creatures, masquerades, and battle scenes, each contributing to the overall narrative.

Despite its age and delicate materials used, the artifact is well preserved, with minimal visible wear and fading. This preservation can be attributed to the advanced dyeing and weaving techniques of the Flemish weavers, known for their superior textile craft.

Several aspects of this tapestry suggest it was more than a decorative item, serving as a narrative medium to depict the Trojan War, and offering visual insights into 17th-century perceptions of ancient civilizations.

Victoria and Albert Museum